I Am Me, and I Am Good 'cuz God Don't Make Junk!

Controlled Chaos: Living life one day at a time with a disabled husband, five special needs kids, 2 crazy cats, and one neurotic dog.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Love Is In The Air

It could have something to do with the fact that Valentine's Day is less than a week away, but I really think is has to do with my recent "breakdown" and the fact that I'M BACK!!!!!!! I'm finding I love a lot of things lately. My wonderful husband gave me a day off to myself, then took me away for the whole day Saturday. He even went to church with me. It was great. I finally feel like I can take on the world-- well, atleast, this family. I love feeling great about life again!

I love melatonin. It's the chemical your body produces to induce sleep. Some people just never produce enough, so you can buy it over the counter. It works, it works, it works!! My precious B who never sleeps has to be awakened in the morning. She's happier and more alert during the day. She doesn't even seem as hyper. It's natural, and non-habit forming. Trying it on A and E tonight. I've even tried it. It's a great night's sleep without the "hangover" of p.m. medications.

I love Valentine's Day. OMGosh! Did I really say that? I've always hated Valentine's Day. Since it is also my birthday, it's a double whammy of disappointment. You can't go out to eat 'cuz the lines are too long. The flowers and candy are over-priced, and everbody figures since it's your birthday, you don't need to celebrate Valentine's Day, too. My hubby, however, sees the value in celebrating both, HE GETS TO STAY MARRIED TO ME!! He really is a great guy, now that I have him trained. I even volunteered to be on the party committee for my kindergartener. I never do that! I put up decorations and plan to make a special dessert for the occasion. Not sure yet what it will be, but I plan to do it!!

I love Iowa. It's 3 below zero, there's about 2 foot of snow on the ground, and there's a layer of ice on everything, but I still love it. I know that Spring will be here whenever it feels like it, and wishing for it does not make it happen any sooner. Sooo, I look for the silver lining in all of this frozen precipitation. If I leave my water bottle in the van, the water stays cold (not to mention, solid!) Hockey is my favorite sport and it cannot be played without ice. I love my fireplace. Snuggling is better when you're not all hot and sweaty. The hot tub is actually really relaxing when it's below freezing. And my favorite reason to love the Iowa weather, snowball fights on a frozen lake.

I love "Blogland." There's a blog out there for everyone. Of course, I love the crafting blogs. Talk about creative people. My "to do" list would take me three lifetimes to complete, but I just keep adding to it. There are blogs for RAD. These are the best. They are so supportive, and human! Whenever I'm feeling like I just can't do this "trama mama" parenting, I just read one of these blogs, and I get the stick-to-itness I need. There are blogs on cooking, gardening, traveling, religion, you name it. There are some questionable blogs, and some that are just down-right nasty, but I just stay away from them. I think I find a new blog everyday to add to my favorites.

I'm starting to love ME. It's nearly impossible for me to say that. In all of my 48 years (come Valentine's Day, LOL) I cannot pick a time when I was comfortable with myself. Now, I think I can truely say I have loved my 40s. I'm consciously making an effort to improve myself, my parenting, my looks, my habits. I've still got a long way to go, but it's getting better in more ways than one. When I was growing up, we had a banner in our church that read, "I am me and I am good 'cuz God don't make junk." Incorrect grammar aside, this is about the goodest saying there is.

Lately, I have discovered one other thing that I really love, satin sheets. I litterally slide into bed, but the feeling, once I stop slip sliding away, is pure bliss. Gonna go and slip between those sheets now. The melatonin is kicking in.

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