I Am Me, and I Am Good 'cuz God Don't Make Junk!

Controlled Chaos: Living life one day at a time with a disabled husband, five special needs kids, 2 crazy cats, and one neurotic dog.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

100 Things About Me

Awhile ago, I read a list of 100 things about sombody on their blog. I can't even remember who's blog it was, but I thought the list was pretty cool, so I decided to write my own. This is more for me than anyone else. I'm curious to see if I can come up with 100 interesting things about myself. The challenge is on!!

1. My given name is Celeste.
2. I was named by two nuns.
3. I have been married for 14 years.
4. I live in Iowa.
5. I have lived in New York
6. and West Virginia
7. and Illinois
8. My parents live in Texas.
9. They moved there after living in Iowa for 70 years.
10. I am not happy about this!
11. I have 5 kids
12. All of them have special needs.
13. D is 13 and has Neuronal Migratory Disorder.
14. E is 10 and has Reactive Attachment Disorder.
15. B is 5 and has RAD and probable Asperger's Syndrome.
16. C is 4 and has Avoidance Attachment Disorder.
17. A will be 4 in 3 days, and has AAD also.
18. The younget 4 kids are an adopted sibling group.
19. I used to ride horses, and was pretty good at it.
20. I won 6th place at the World Junior Quarter Horse Finals in Cutting when I was 15.
21. I love animals
22. Especially cats.
23. I could easily become a "cat lady" when I get older.
24. I love my singing voice.
25. I am song leader (cantor) at our church.
26. I help teach religious ed. on Wednesday nights.
27. I was raised and still am Catholic.
28. I love Chirstmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
29. I have 2 sisters
30. And 3 brothers
31. I love to craft.
32. I love to read.
33. I have read Les Miserables cover to cover
34. And it is one of my favorite books.
35. I also love The Shack, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Bible.
36. I love to write.
37. I am writing a book.
38. It is chirstian-based.
39. I love chocolate
40. and ice cream
41. in the hot tub.
42. I love snow.
43. I love my husband.
44. Sometimes, I like him, too, LOL!
45. He is a mechanic.
46. I would love to go back to school
47. to be a physician's assistant
48. or a RAD specialist.
49. I hate doing laundry.
50. I love movies,
51. especially Christmas ones,
52. kids' movies,
53. and "chick flicks."
54. I love to sing heavy metal songs
55. with an opra melody
56. in Walmart
57. because it drives my kids crazy.
58. I totaly believe embarassing your kids is the biggest perk of being a parent!
59. I can't spell.
60. I am not a morning person.
61. I like to mow lawn.
62. I love hockey.
63. I used to work for a hockey team.
64. It was my favorite job.
68. I also worked at a care center in activities.
69. I loved that job, too.
70. The super power I would love to have is the ability to stop time.
71. I like to take naps.
72. I don't get to do it very often.
73. I have been to 29 states.
74. I would like to visit Oregon.
75. Alaska.
76. and Washington,
77. but not Hawaii.
78. I would love to go to Austraila.
79. I would love to lose enough weight to look great in a little black dress
80. and a hot pair of black boots.
81. I love to smile.
82. My favorite color is black.
83. I think snakes are cool.
84. I rescue bugs by putting them outside.
85. I don't watch tv.
86. My heros are Martin Luther King, Jr.
87. and Helen Keller.
88. I like cappuchino.
89. My biggest fear is losing a child.
90. I drive a van,
91. and I like it!
92. I have never dyed my hair.
93. I wish I could play the harp.
94. I have throughly enjoyed my 40s.
95. I do not worry about turning 50.
96. I wish someone would invent a self-cleaning house.
97. I love the smell of fresh, mown hay.
98. I want to buy a farm,
99. and have lots of farm cats.
100. I think life is great!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. C: That is a neat list, thanks for sharing, I had quite a few favorites, I got a real chuckle out of 43 and 44, especially 44!
