I Am Me, and I Am Good 'cuz God Don't Make Junk!

Controlled Chaos: Living life one day at a time with a disabled husband, five special needs kids, 2 crazy cats, and one neurotic dog.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

God keeps Moving the Line

Everyone always says, "God never gives you more than you can handle." If this is true, he just keeps moving the line. Just when I think I've had too much, he hands me something more. I've got three appointments this week, I volunteered to help out at the preschool, have to write an article for the church newletter, still need to take down Halloween decorations and put up the Thanksgiving ones, make six phone calls, fill out numerous amounts of paperwork, and shampoo the carpets because we've got bedbugs (I know I keep bringing it up, but I can't believe how HORRIBLE they are!!) Mix all of that with five special needs kids, a neighbor who needs rides because she can't drive, a husband who has six vehicles to fix (when he's not starting them on fire, LOL,) and a 47 year old body that's just plain worn out, and I'd say I have more than I can handle. BUT since God knows my limits and I obviously don't, I need to take a deep breath and say, "Guide me through it, Lord." I could add a ton more to the list, but that would just be discouraging, so rather than whine and complain (okay, whine and complain more than I am,) I'm going to make a list of my blessings. Be forwarned, it will be long and wordy, and probably pretty twisted in spots, but hey, those are just a few of my blessings!

I am so blessed by God. I do not know what I would do if I did not believe in Him. Life would have no meaning. My faith in God must be first in my life, and everything else will just fall into place, according to his plan, not mine!

I am blessed with a wonderful husband who annoys the heck out of me sometimes. I have never doubted our love for each other, and that is something special to have. We've had some really hard times, but most of those have made us stronger. We enjoy each other more with each passing day, and are even working toward regaining that "spark" we used to have-- just as long as there are no gas cans nearby (you knew I couldn't pass that one up!)

Our Darling D. He has a smile that lights up the world and a laugh that is so contageous that you can't help but fall in love with him. He's a sport fanatic. He's never been bored. He has a soft heart. He loves to help out when he can. He tries so hard in school and in whatever he sets out to accomplish. He still loves to cuddle. He loves his school. He has an incredible imagination. He's so optimistic. He loves unconditonally and expects everyone else to do the same.

Our beautiful, talented E. She has that crooked, little smile that makes me laugh. She is starting to discover her creativity and flair for the dramatic. She is just starting the trumpet, and is doing amazingly well. She's great at math, and her schoolwork in coming along better than we had expected. She can dance. We are getting glimpses of the "real" E, and we are liking what we see. She is curious about what is wrong and right, asking for advice rather than giving me her opinions. She's becoming aware of others' feelings and is starting to care if she hurts someone. She likes church and is learning as much as she can about God. She has the cutest freckles and some funky, curly hair. She's starting to give real hugs, and actually wanting them in return. She has healed so much since last Spring. Her potential is huge.

Sweet, fragile B. She has so many issues that it's easy to overlook her shining moments. She is gentle, especially with animals. She can be caring and show love. She is smart and loves learning. She comes up with the most amazing answers to questions. She loves to laugh, run, swim, squeal, and sing. When she is excited, her whole body tells you. She remembers names and faces. She sees details most others overlook. She has the most beautiful hair and a sweet, little smile. She loves to be around people. Her enthusiasm is contagious. She sees a lot of good in the world.

Laid back C. He loves to help, and will work until the job is finished. He loves to build anything, but his favorite thing is to build bridges with his sandwiches (I know-- don't play with your food, but it's so cute!) He can be so caring and loving, especially with me. He likes being around kids at school, but also loves being home with his family. He likes to go to church. He wants to be a tinkerbelle and work at Casey's when he grows up. He loves to make up stories-- sometimes in a good way. He has an eye for cool cars and cute girls (dad is so proud!!) He is very good about thanking people and is usually quite polite.

Our little firecracker, A. She has the lethal combination of blonde hair and brown eyes. She's very independent. She is creative and very smart, it just has to be on her terms. She loves to be the center of attention. She likes to make things for others. She is probably the most "settled" of the youngest four. She loves to shake her booty. She is quick-witted, and loves to be tickled. She is determined and succeeds at most anything she attempts. She is loving and usually cares about others' feelings.

Other things I am blessed with, in no particular order:
chocolate, my kitties, Blue and Vinnie, my fish, my creativity, my singing voice, great taste in music, great parents and in-laws, incredible grandparents for my kids, my church community, my quiet, little town, our farm, clothes that fit, a van that runs, the bestest sisters and brothers anyone could have, love and appreciation of horses, some knowledge of farming, potpouri, Iowa sweet corn, snow, my computer, my small but special group of friends, a very close family, a twisted sense of humor, a second clothes dryer, paint pens, a glue gun, a love of nature, an appreciation for a job well done, a hot tub and swimming pool, great neighbors, good schools, relatively good health, patience, some cooking skills, family traditions, wisdom with age, Christmas decorations, an interesting writing style, a soon to be bedbug free house, a love of reading, wonderful memories, MY fireplace and MY piano, angels everywhere, a fuzzy winter coat, my driver's license, hockey, the ability to think outside the box, and the knowlege that near perfection can always be improved upon. I'm sure I've left some things out. Notice it says great memories, not a great memory. Just writing this, I feel more energized and renewed. I am so blessed. God, you just keep on moving that line, and I just keep collecting the blessings along the way. With You, I can handle anything!

1 comment:

  1. Great work. You and your husband are so blessed, and I'm so happy for you guys. Excellent piece. I'm eager to read more of these over the next few days.
