I Am Me, and I Am Good 'cuz God Don't Make Junk!

Controlled Chaos: Living life one day at a time with a disabled husband, five special needs kids, 2 crazy cats, and one neurotic dog.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Something that Worked!!

When I was playing with the kids after breakfast, I was goofing around and gave them all different names. I was Charlie and the kids were, in order by age, Verne, Barney, Alfred, Harry, and Myrtle. Alfred has been having a hard time lately. I put her on my lap and interviewed her as "Charlie." She really opened up. She wasn't speaking to Mommy, she was speaking to Charlie, and she had a great time with this. I also learned that Mommy is a good cook, even if she burns supper to the bottom of the pan. Dad is grumpy, but she loves him a lot. M is her old mother, but she likes it here better. Everything is okay. It was very eye-opening. She still cannot maintain eye contact for more than a few seconds, but she spoke from the heart when she answered Charlie's questions.

Harry also liked Charlie's questions. He never breaks eye-contact, and apparently has no personal space boundaries. Mom sets off the smoke alarm when she cooks. Dad is fun, but tickles too much. This is the best place to live. I believe Charilie will make more appearences in the future.

Better Day today. E has not earned any points for 3 days. She actually got 2 points taken away for being mouthy. She talked to M on the phone today, and so far, has not had any issues. This is a first!! Working on projects for the fair. Out for supper tonight. All in all, a good day. Time to go to bed and rest up for tomorrow. Hopefully, sweet dreams all the way around. :)

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